Between July and September, ACICIS delivered a record-breaking winter of Australian student engagement with Indonesia. 2021 represents the first year ever that the consortium has run a full suite of programs during the Australian university winter (July) vacation period.

Taking advantage of the new flexibilities afforded by virtual delivery, ACICIS enabled 100+ Australian university students – from disciplines including journalism, law, public health, agriculture, Indonesian language, development studies, and business — to spend their winter vacation engaging with Indonesia via virtual programs. Added to the 200+ students who participated over Summer 2021, ACICIS will have recorded over 300 students participating in the consortium’s first full year of entirely virtual programming. This achievement has seen over 300 Australian university students interacting with peers, mentors and organisations from across contemporary Indonesian society and the Indonesian economy. 300+ Australian students creating friendships and professional networks, gaining work experience, and honing their knowledge of Indonesian language, history, culture, politics and society – all amid a global pandemic and closed international borders.