New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

Grace Chen is a participant in the 2019 Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum from the University of New South Wales. Grace is studying a Bachelor of Media Arts with Honours majoring in Animation and Visual Effects. Grace received a $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant to support her participation in this program.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake ACICIS’ Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum?

I decided to participate in the ACICIS practicum because I wanted to experience studying and travelling at the same time. I am also really interested in different cultures and learning new languages so this was a really amazing opportunity.

Q: Did you receive a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant? If so, how did this contribute to your experience in Indonesia?

I did. The grant enabled me to experience Indonesia in the first place, because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able afford it.  Not having to budget too strictly also let me travel around and see more of Indonesia which was really valuable to me.

Q: How will the Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum benefit or influence your future career?

I think having experience working in another country is often seen favourably by prospective employers. I was also able to improve my skills in motion design and get some work out of it for my portfolio which was definitely helpful.

 Q: Which organisation did you intern with? What were your roles and responsibilities?

I interned with Greeneration Foundation, an NGO which aims to improve and raise awareness towards Indonesia’s environmental issues. My role was to create illustrations and motion graphics for the organisation’s ‘EcoRanger’ program to be shown on their website and social media pages.

Q: How is the work culture of your host organisation different to work experience you have had in Australia?

My host organisation was a pretty small group, so it was very relaxed and social. We would often go out to lunch together and bring snacks back to work. The times you came in and left from work were also quite flexible. I think the main difference between my workplace’s culture and the work culture in Australia was that there wasn’t as much pressure to perform to certain productivity levels or tight deadlines.

Q: Would you like to return to work in Indonesia again in future?


Q: What do you like to do in your spare time in Indonesia?

I liked to try new food, visit touristy landmarks and check out popular shops and markets in the areas I stayed at.

Q: Favourite place to eat and favourite Indonesian food?

I liked warungs which had an assortment of dishes from which you could pick and choose, but my favourite Indonesian dishes were Nasi Liwet and Soto Betawi.

Q: Favourite Indonesian word/phrase?

‘lucu kucing’, because there are cats everywhere.

Q. What places in Indonesia have you visited during your practicum so far?

Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali.