New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

Chakris L. Srisuwan participated in the 2018 Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum. Chakris is studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Indonesian Studies at The University of Western Australia. Chakris received a $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant to support his participation in this program.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake ACICIS’ Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum?

I decided to undertake the practicum because I wanted to take the opportunity to experience Indonesian art and culture as well as practise my language skills. It was also a chance to learn about how creative studios go about their work and challenge myself in that kind of professional environment.

Q: How will the Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum benefit or influence your future career?

The practicum has given me an insight to working within a creative studio as well as opened doors for any future opportunities here in the Indonesia. Regardless, I will now continue my creative endeavours more confidently because of the critical thinking skills and art practices I’ve improved on from this experience.

 Q: Which organisation did you intern with? What were your roles and responsibilities?

I interned with Wanara Studio, working alongside fellow creatives both in graphic design and illustration. My main responsibility there was to learn from those with more experience, and I was lucky enough to make contributions to their current projects such as one for WWF.

Q: How did you find the work culture of your host organisation? How is it different to work experience in Australia?

The work culture is very unique at Wanara Studio – everyone there has a strong work ethic that’s contrasted against a playful and humourous working environment. It’s a bit hard to believe that we get so much done amid craziness, puns and bad jokes. Most work environments back in Australia are quite serious and stressed out. However, there are creative studios and teams who have a similar work culture to Wanara Studio. It’s hard to make a comparison because Indonesian work culture within the creative sector is all about inclusivity and having fun whilst still being productive. We’re all kind of like a family, for example my boss is referred to as “Kak” which is the Indonesian honorific for older brother.

Q: Would you like to return to work in Indonesia again in future?

Tentu saja! – Definitely!

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time in Indonesia?

Have as many interactions with the locals as I can – share experiences and see new things with interesting perspectives.

Q: Favourite place to eat and favourite Indonesian food?

I love going to either the local warteg or any padagang kaki lima (PKL) because it’s a chance to have conversations in Indonesian. My favourite food would be pare dengan tempe orek.

Q: Favourite Indonesian word/phrase?


Q: What places in Indonesia have you visited during your practicum so far?

During my practicum I’ve explored the many alleyways of Jakarta as well as traveled to Bogor and Bandung.