About Indonesia for Global Justice
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ, formerly Institute for Global Justice) was formed on 7th August 2001 to address the global trade liberalization issues. Its establishment was facilitated by INFID and by some individual members of the Indonesian NGO Coalition on WTO (KOP-WTO).
IGJ works on global trade liberalization issues, particularly on monitoring and responding to trade-related priority issues, they are: WTO (World Trade Organization), national trade policy (investment, trade facility, and competition policy), Free Trade Agreements, ASEAN, and the G20. IGJ has been working and networking with both national and international civil society organizations.
The Vision of IGJ is “A Global Justice Order through Social Movements”. The mission of IGJ is “Changes toward a just trade system through developing critical awareness and empowering strategic groups of civil society”.
Passion in any issue about Free Trade Agreements (FTA), Human Rights, World Trade Organization (WTO), ASEAN, G-20, and trade and investment policies, etc.
Intern Duties (Example)
Researching Free Trade Agreement (FTAs);
Researching on the mining company Rio Tinto;
Researching the level of involvement in the FTA process between Indonesian Parliament and Australian Parliament;
Other duties:
Developing highlight sheets which summarise the current situation surrounding issues such as foreign investment, the US China trade war and FTAs;
Conducting interview on issues in free trade in Indonesia;
Writing highlights from different articles that range from topics of the Free Trade Agreement, Trade wards, Investments and the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS).
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am – 5 pm (flexible)
Dress Code
Jl. Kalibata Tengah No. 1A
Jakarta Selatan – 12740