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The ACICIS Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP) will again be delivered in-country from January 2023. The program is suitable for students of journalism, media and communication studies, cadet journalists, and early career professionals.

The ACICIS Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP) will again be delivered in-country from January 2023. The program is suitable for students of journalism, media and communication studies, cadet journalists, and early career professionals.

The JPP runs for six weeks in Indonesia, including a two-week intensive Indonesian language study and industry-led seminars at Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, followed by a four-week supervised industry placement. The program runs from early January to mid-February each year.

The JPP provides an opportunity for students of journalism, media and communication, to gain valuable experience working in the field of media in Indonesia.  Host organisations cover a wide range of media sector interests and include international news wire services, national news bureaus, national dailies, and major domestic broadcasters and radio stations.

As an assessed program, the JPP is designed to meet requirements for work-integrated learning modules and other practicum-based course components.

The JPP is designed for students who have no existing Indonesian language skills. Candidates with existing language skills are also welcome. All industry placements provide an English-language working environment.

A great experience that gave me practical skills and enriched my knowledge in multiple ways.
ACICIS Past Participant


The aims of the JPP are to:

  1. Provide students with a practical learning experience with a Host Organisation in an Indonesian journalism, media, or communications workplace environment;
  2. To develop students’ knowledge of international and Indonesian journalism, media, and communications practices, and the application of these practices within Indonesia’s media and communications industry; and
  3. To enhance bilateral understanding through the creation of new partnerships between Australian and Indonesian counterparts, and to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas in the field of journalism, media and communications.


The structure of the six-week program is as follows:

  • Two weeks of intensive Indonesian language classes at Atma Jaya Catholic University, designed to give participants basic Indonesian language capacity;


  • A series of seminars and fieldtrips led by experts and practitioners from Indonesian and international journalism and media organisations operating within Indonesia;

Followed by

  • A four-week supervised practicum placement designed to give participants an English-speaking professional experience within an Indonesian or international media or communications organisation operating within Indonesia.


ACICIS’ programs in Indonesia operate under the direction of the ACICIS Resident Director. In addition, an Academic Program Officer (APO) is assigned for the duration of the JPP to oversee all aspects of the program, including the supervision of its academic content. To see who the current JPP Program Officer is, see their profile on the ACICIS Staff Members page.

Since the inception of the JPP in 2002, the position of Program Officer has been held by a number of distinguished industry specialists. Angela Romano (UQ) pioneered the original program, followed by Louise Williams (SMH), Prof. Phillip Kitley (UoW), Sunanda Creagh (ThomsonReuters), Stephen Fitzpatrick (The Australian), Rebecca Henschke (Asia Calling), Helen Brown (ABC), Dr Nasya Bahfen (La Trobe University) and Jewel Topsfield (Fairfax Media).

Some important points to note

  • Applicants should be aware that they are applying for the program, not a specific placement. Participants must therefore accept that they may not be placed in their desired choice. In addition, all ACICIS placements with journalism organisations depend entirely on the good will and preparedness of such organisations to host participants. Such organisations retain the right to withdraw from the program or vary the number of participants they host at any stage. Therefore, while acting in good faith in preparing students for placements, ACICIS cannot guarantee any specific internship site and participants must accept this need for flexibility as a condition of participation in the Journalism Professional Practicum.
  • The visa that participants enter Indonesia on is not a working visa. Participants are strictly prohibited from undertaking any form of paid work during their time on the JPP. ACICIS takes this matter very seriously and will take disciplinary measures against any student found undertaking paid work of any kind throughout the program.
  • Students are advised to take a laptop with them to Indonesia, as in most cases this will help them greatly in their work placements. In some work placements it is essential.
  • You may also want to consider bringing specific journalism devices (e.g. recording devices) with you, as these will not necessarily be provided at your work placement.
  • Please be advised that Atma Jaya University has a dress code which will be enforced by ACICIS. T-shirts and thongs are not appropriate.
  • Orientation is compulsory for all JPP participants. If you cannot attend orientation then you will, unfortunately, not be able to participate in the program.

What you need to know

Summer 2025

  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Dates: 2 January – 14 February 2025
  • Application Deadline: 11 August 2024
  • Program Fee: $5,235 (Member University Students)


Summer 2026

  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Dates: 24 November – 30 December 2025
  • Application Deadline: 1 June 2025
  • Program Fee: TBC (Member University Students)
Financial Help: AUD $4,000 NCP grants*
Check your eligibility here