The following is a list of reports which have been produced as a part of the ACICIS Field Study Options.  These reports are not ‘academic theses’ in the usual sense of the term. Their emphasis is on empirical field work, that is, the collecting of information by the student using their Indonesian language skills, rather than seeking any particular theoretical break-throughs. But they are often a rich resource of field material, which could well be of interest to a wider readership.

Some of these reports are available here by clicking on the report title. Copyright is held by the author of each report. The reports cannot be republished, reprinted, or reproduced in any format without the permission of the author. The views expressed in each report are those of the author of the report and do not represent the views of ACICIS.

If you are interested in a particular report and it is not available online, please contact us, as we may be able to assist you.


Semester 42 (February 2016)

270. Susan de Groot Heupner: Labour Exploitation, Systematic Oppression and Violence in Palm Oil Plantations in North Sumatra

269. Thomas Brown: A Community Within, A Community Apart Hazara Refugees Managing A Life of Limbo in West Java

268. Emma Ford: The Impact of Indonesia Mengajar on Remote Communities through The Eyes of Pengajar Muda

267. Michael McAneney: An Analysis of The Factors of Australia’s Influence on The Indonesian Policy Decision Making Process

266. Jyden Tan: Proses Interaksi dan Akulturasi Mahasiswa Perantau UNPAR

Semester 41 (February 2015)

265. Thomas Brown: After The Boats Stop: Host-Refugee and Inter-Refugee Dynamics in Indonesia in Response to Australia’s Closed Border Policy

264. Freya Gaunt: Analisis Terhadap Para Pekerja Industri Kreatif di Kota Bandung

Semester 40 (February 2015)

263. Aamir Kadir: Badan yang Berbeda, Mesin yang Sama: Perspektif Populer Bandung dan Yogyakarta terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Orde Baru di Masa Reformasi

262. David Longo: Pendidikan Hak-Hak Manusia dalam Masyarakat Indonesia Modern

261. Fletcher Miles: The Effectiveness and Role of Donor Funded Microcredit in Indonesia

260. Friska Riyadi: Pembelajaran Masyarakat Kota Bandung dan Sekitarnya Untuk Menerapkan Pengelolaan Sampah yang Berkelanjutan

Semester 39 (August 2014)

259. Tennille Bernhard: Kaum Muda dan Dialog Lintas Agama

258. Charlotte Corbyn: Organized Labour in The 2014 Indonesian Presidential Election

257. Kate Snailham: Australia Tutup Pintu Pengungsi, Kebijakan Suaka Australia yang Baru di Indonesia

256. Grace Dong: Pengaruh Pendidikan Dasar Terhadap Pekerja Anak di Cibaduyut, Bandung

255. Fay Edwards:Pertanian Perkotaan Sebagai Solusi Untuk Masalah Urbanisasi di Kota Bandung

254. Samantha Kendrigan: Studi Kasus Masalah Terjemahan Terkait dengan Ekspresi, Frasa Biasa, dan Frasa Idiomatik

253. David Scholefield: Rehabilitation, Advocacy, and Conservation of Indonesian Orangutan

Semester 38 (February 2014)

252. Callum Cashel:The Utility of Peacekeeping Operations to The Tentara Nasional Indonesia in Responding To The Regional Security Environment

251. Andria Dale: Dari Tempat Wisata ke Perkampungan Pengungsi, Perubahan Sosial di Puncak

250. Lukas Fort: Kepemimpinan Perempuan

249. Bianca Barsan: Interaksi Etnis, Asimilasi, dan Proses Identitas Etnis: Kasus Orang Indonesia-Cina

Semester 37 (August 2013)

248: Iona Main:BBM Naik, Dampak Pemotongan Subsidi BBM terhadap Kemiskinan di Indonesia

247: James Baker: Usaha Pemerintah Indonesia Untuk Memastikan Pemilihan Umum 2014 Adalah Pemilihan yang Aksesibel

246: Jonathon Mackay: Kegagalan Negara, Penindasan Terhadap Jemaat Agama Minoritas di Jawa Barat

244: Karina Forward:La Via Campesina di Indonesia: Petani Kecil, Kedaulatan Pangan, dan Kesetaraan Gender di Jawa Tengah

243: Michael Peck: Penggunaan Bahasa Gaul di Indonesia

242: Stewart Palmer: Penerapan Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Sidang Pengadilan Agama dan Efeknya Terhadap Hak-Hak Wanita

241: Kirrilly McKenzie: The “Jokowi” Phenomenon

240: Timothy Newman: Penanaman Modal Asing Setelah Krisis 1997/1998

239 Daniel Gazzard: Sikap Masyarakat Jawa Barat Islam Terhadap Hak-Hak Perempuan dalam Agama Islam: Pembandingan Antara Faktor-Faktor Demografi

238. Hermann Ruiz Salgado: Conjuring The Past: Indonesian Failed TRC and Village Spirits

237. Clancy O’ Donnell: Comparative Study: Traditional Land Rights in Australia and Indonesia with Particular Reference to the Recent Constitutional Court Ruling on Act 41/1999 on Forestry (UUK) in Response to The Submission by Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN)

Semester 35 (August 2012)

236. Chay Booker: Kehidupan Kaum Homoseksual di Jawa Timur: Pendapat Masyarakat

235. Daniel Carney: Perkembangan Pariwisata Surfing di Desa Watu Karung, Kab. Pacitan, Jawa Timur

234. Mitchell Cooper: Persaudaraan Setia Hati Teratai: Filsafat, Teknik dan Pikiran Spiritualis dari Siswa Pemula

233. Nathan Dyson: Komunitas Ateis di Jawa

232. Kel Fisher: Potret Terorisme dalam Media Massa di Indonesia Sejak Bom Bali I

231. Erin Hill: Persepsi Masyarakat tentang Citra Tubuh Perempuan di Indonesia

230. Jessica Lock: Pendapat dan Perubahan terhadap Difabel Apakah Hidup Menjadi Lebih Mudah atau Lebih Sulit untuk Orang yang Cacat dalam Masyarakat Indonesia?

229. Thomas Power: Politik Pragmatis dalam Partai Islam: Analisis Program, Strategi, Pencitraan dan Performa Elektoral Partai Keadilan Sejahtera di Kota Malang

228. Matthew Satchwell: Penilaian Kebijakan CSR Mobil Cepu Limited di Bojonegoro Kepada Masyarakat di Sekitar Operasi Perusahaan

227. Jade Sciberras: Pemulihan dan Reintegrasi Sosial: Membantu Korban Perdagangan Perempuan dan Anak

226. Hayley Wood: Kompilasi Sinkretisasi, Tradisi Mistis dan Agama Islam dalam Masyarakat Modern di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Semester 34 (February 2012)

225. Dale Druhan: Pengelolaan Sampah dan Pelestarian Lingkungan di Sekolah – Sekolah Menengah di Kota Malang: Studi Kasus Program Adiwiyata

224. Leighton Gallagher: Bahasa Inggris dan Pengecualian Sosial Antar Kaum Muda di Kencana Sari Timur Surabaya

223. Wyatt Gordon: Pengembang Industri Keramik Rumah Tangga di Kota Malang

222. Belinda Hopkins: Akses Keadilan Kelompok Perempuan Melalui LSM di Kota Malang dengan Studi Kasus tentang Perceraian

221. Melanie Indratheb: Kesadaran Kesehatan Mental dan Aksebilitas pada Pelayanan Kesehatan Mental di Malang

220. Garik Sadovy: Pengembangan Program Konservasi Banteng di Taman Nasional Baluran

219. Rianna Tararelli: Dampak Pembangunan Mall terhadap Keberadaan Pasar Tradisional di Kota Malang

218. Katrina Wallis: Jalan Menuju Modernisasi (Proses Modernisasi Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren Putri An-Nur 2 , Bululawang dan Pondok Modern Al-Rifa’I, Gondanglegi, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur)

217. Sarah Watson: Penggunaan kearifan lokal sebagai alat untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tanaman yang terancam punah dan menilai keanekaraman hayati, di Kampung Ciptagelar, Jawa Barat.

Semester 33 (August 2011)

216. Benjamin Bilson: Kepentingan Identitas Tempo Doeloe di Malang atas Terima Wisatawan Mancanegara

215. James Dawson: Arema dan Aremania: Cermin Politik Malang

214. Arjuna Dibley: Pemohon Masyarakat Sipil di Depan Mahkamah Konstitusi

213. Max Eddy: Pengaruh Pasar Modern terhadap Pasar Tradisional di Malang

212. Katherine Gratton: Pendapat perempuan tentang perempuam dalam dunia: Politik pada era reformasi dan masa depan di kota Malang

211. Jessica Laughlin: Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

210. Rosalie Pitt: Pelaksanaan Pengarusutamaan Gender pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Sekolah Dasar Agama di Malang dan Batu

209. Melanie Tulloch: Membayangkan bangsa ideal: studi kasus Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) di Indonesia

208. Tasman Vaughan: Dampak Dari Jembatan Suramadu Terhadap Masyarakat Bangkalan

Semester 32 (February 2011)

207. Natha Middlemas: Pendaftaran kelakiran dan pencapaian hak-hak anak: Studi kasus Kota Malang also read an article about her in the Malang Post

206. Chris Radford: Luasnya penerimaan faktor dan karakteristik, oleh manajemen PermataBank, yang dapat melanjutkan perkembangan bank tersebut

205. Yasmin Winnett: Go Organik! Berangkat dari wacana revolusi hijau menuju pertanian berkelanjutan: Siapa diuntungkan loeh pendekatan pertanian organik diarahkan ekonomi dan pemberdayaan sosial?

204. David Wyatt: Memerangi perdagangan manusia di Indonesia

Semester 31 (August 2010)

203. Danny Fairhead: Multiculturalism and the port economy of Kalimas, Kalimantan

202. Angharad Lodwick: Tattoo culture in Java

201. Brooke Nolan: The political economy of small fisherman in Roti Island and East Java

Semester 30 (February 2010)

200. Benita Chudleigh: The Diverse Range of Curriculums Used in Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools)

199. Thomas Flemons: Durga/Umayi – Novel or Performance

198. Lisa Mapson: Kesenian, Identitas, dan Hak Cipta: Kasus ‘Pencurian’ Reog Ponorogo

197. Madison Richardson: An Investigation Concerning the System Rice Intensification (SRI) in East Java

Semester 29 (August 2009)

196. Tavish Redgrave: The Transformation of Recreational Fishing in Malang

195. Juliet Thornton: The Popular Perception of the Leadership of Barack Obama

194. Annika Wood: Community Perception of Sexual Health Education in Indonesia

Semester 28 (February 2009)

193. Kellie Eccleston: Animal Welfare in East Java

192. Rebecca Leake: ‘Female Island’: Migration Culture and its Impact in Bawean Island

191. Linda McRae: Societal Lifestyles in the Mt Arjuna Forrest Area

190. Lucy Springate: Two Case Studies of Kesurupan (Spirit Possession) in Javanese Culture

189. Melinda Williams: Female Circumcision Practices in East Java

Semester 27 (September 2008)

188. Brooke Nolan: Dayak Keharingan belief systems

187. Katherine Parsons: The Reality of the Rewvitalisation of the Indonesian Scout Movement

186. Catriona Richards: Streetkids and Educational Access: A Case Study on the Role of Civil Society

Semester 26 (February 2008)

185. Rachelle Cole: Kaliandra Sejati’s local community development activities in Dayurejo and Jatiarjo

184. Dan Delaney: Swiftlet Nest Farming in East Java

183. Mariefe Donaghue: The Role of Information in the Organic Coffee Certification process

182. Jessica Kerr: Behind the Fences: Middle Class Groupings in Malang, East Java

181. Eurico Muller: Trade unions and Contract Systems: A Study of Kretek Cigarette Factories in Malang, East Java

180. Ayleen O’Hanlon: Java Day’: Essentialist Policy in Javanese Cultural Preservation in Surabaya, Indonesia.

179. Annisa Sukada: ’Kethoprak’ : Cultural Preservation in Changing Times

Semester 25 (September 2007)

178. Drew Boekel: The Traditional Oil Industry, Block Cepu

177. Emma Small: The Lapindo Mud Disaster and the Role of Non-Governmental Organisations

Semester 24 (February 2007)

176.. Hannah Al-Rashid: White is Beautiful: Perceptions of Beauty and the Indonesian Obsession with White Skin

175. Eli Brewis: Indie and Underground Bands in Malang: An example of an Indonesian Subculture

174. Anne Dickson: Views of Aisyiyah Women Towards Polygamy

173. Nina James: The Problems of Fisherfolk in the Bali Strait and the Impact of Regional Autonomy Laws on the Industry

172. Marion McQueen: The Socio-economic Impacts of the Lapindo Mud Disaster, Particularly Towards Workers in the Informal Sector

171. Samuel Pickering: Application of the Concept of Sustainable Development as a Means of Mangrove Forest Management, Grajagan.

170. Candice Vooles: East Javanese Beliefs towards Nyai Loro Kidul

169. James Welch: Safety of the Aviation Industry following Deregulation: The Factors Influencing Safety Levels and the Parties Responsible

Semester 23 (September 2006)

168. David Armstrong: Visitor Levels to Archaeological Sites in East Java: Data from 1988-2005

167. Tamie Balaga: The Meaning and Importance of the Head Scarf to the Younger Generation: Comparative Study Malang-Yogya

166. Tristram Boveington: A Survey of Papuan Students in East Java: Background, Facts and Ambitions

165. Michael Collins: Beyond Mutual Respect: Religious Views in Indonesia

164. Anna Johnson: The Other Side of Labour Migration: The Children of Migrant Workers in Kesemben, Blitar

163. Kim Heriot-Darragh: Not Accepted, but Not Denied: The Position of Transvestites in Malang

162. Jack Radecki: Land-Use Conflict in a National Park: A Study of Ranupani Village, BTS National Park

161. Esther Sainsbury: Post-Reformasi Changes to Trans-Migration Policy in Indonesia

160. Zoe Swinton: AUSAID Projects in Indonesia: Opinions of of Aid Recipients

159. Orlando de Guzman: The Link Between the 1965 Massacres and the Myth of Prince Samodro at Gunung Kemukus

158. Chris Urbanski: The Rise and Fall of Alliances Between the Tea and Prostitution Industry in the Simpang Lima Area, Semarang

157. Ray Webber: Participation in World Of Warcraft by the Indonesian On-Line Community

Semester 22 (February 2006)

156. David Armstrong: Visitor Levels to Candi Singosari, Malang 1994-2005

155. David Cook: The Death of the Batu Apple Industry

154. Anthony Crowe: In the End it’s all about the Money: Study of Local Politics in Madiun

153. Marianne Frith: Chinese Identity in Malang: Cultural Perservation and Discrimination in the Post-New Order Period

152. Saarah Jappie: The Grave of Syekh Yusuf in Madura: Oral Histories and Local Perceptions from the People of Talango

151. Kate Stevens: Christian-Muslim Relations in Indonesia: UMM Case Study

150. Paul Svingos: The Justice and Prosperity Party as the New Face of Islam in Indonesia; A Survey of Cadre in Malang City

149. Quinton Temby: Radical but not Fundamentalist: An Interpretative Analysis of the Darul Islam Magazine

Semester 21 (September 2005)

148. Kim Andren: Indonesian Women, Sexual Behaviour and Islam: A Case Study

147. Louisa Garfoot: Changes in the Religious Behaviour of East Java Hindu Society (Comparative Study Between the Young and Old Generation)

146. Nick Heaney: Language Relationships in Malang: The Influence of English on Indonesian Youth Slang

145. Emily Provan: Folklore and Moral Instruction to the Children in Malang

144. Caitlyn Stanley: Attitude and Awareness of the People of Bajo toward the Environment and Conservation

Semester 20 (February 2005)

143. Kelly Burgess: Policies and Measures of the Indonesian government, NGOs and foreign businesses in regard to the matter of child labour in Indonesia

142. Victoria Guard: Social-Cultural, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Tourism in the Gili Islands of NTB Province, Indonesia

141. Evan Hynd: Continuity among Islamic opposition groups in Indonesia: from the revolution to the era of Reformation

140. David Osborne: Foreign Investors in Indonesia; Cultural and Religious Accommodation and their Importance in the Formula for Success

139. Katherine Purwanto: Candi Jago and its Relevance in Contemporary Times

138. Rachael Ratican: The Influence of the Liberation of Timor Leste on Australia-Indonesia Relations

137. Hannah Taarnby: The impact of tourism on the environment of Bali

Semester 19 (September 2004)

136. Kate Atkins: Tourism and Development in the Karimunjawa National Park

135. Sonja Balaga: Studying Shadow Puppetry: Searching for the Soul of the Puppets

134. Melanie Barnes: Language and Politics: the Discourse of Plesetan (Word Play)

133. Sam Beckman: Seeking a Balance: Management of the Interaction Between the Community and Alas Purwo National Park

132. Stephanie Creagh: Sex Education in the High Schools of the Special District of Yogyakarta

131. Angus Gratton: Putting Right the Discourse: Developments in the Teaching of History in Malang since the Beginning of the Reform Era

130. Clare Harvey: Education, Modes of Resistance and the Preservation of Urban Kampungs

129. Daniel Heppell: Cause and Effect of Changes in Javanese Culture in Yogyakarta

128. Lisa Johnson: Sports and Identity: the Function of Sports in the Formation of Identity for the Society and People of the City of Malang

127. Erin Kite: Chinese Cultural Identity: Suharto’s Policy of Complete Assimilation and the Record of Its Success or Failure

126. Janelle Marburg: East Timorese University Students in Malang: Experiences, Perceptions and Ambitions

125. Jemma Parsons: The Life of Female College Students in Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) in Central and East Java

124. Elizabeth Raleigh: Muslim Fashion for Women and Popular Culture in Indonesia: Influences and Perceptions

123. Esther Walcott: The Art of Traditional Medicine in Malang: Knowledge and Perception

122. Johan Weintre: Several Snapshots of the Kanayatan Dayak: Precious Rituals and Agricultural Diversity in the West Kalimantan Forest

Semester 18 (February 2004)

121. Jenny Backstrom: Trade and Protection of Turtles in Bali: Changing and Fixed Attitudes

120. David Evans: The Dewaruci in Javanist Spiritual and Cultural Praxis and its Subjective Force on Javanese Naval Bureaucracy

119. Jessica Prince: Life Knowledge, Farmers’ Sovereignty and Organic Agriculture: Sowing the Seeds of Social Transformation

118. Eileen Stelmach: The Human Face of Environmental Disaster in the Village of Sitiarjo

117. Nicola Hall: Cooperatives in the City and Kebupaten of Malang

116. Rebecca McLaren: Trafficking of Women Workers from Blitar, the Role of NGOs and the Government of Blitar in Overcoming the Problem

115. Deanne Whitfield: Sleeping under a Sack – Street Children of Yogyakarta

Semester 17 (September 2003)

114. Tracy Wright Webster: Beyond the Closet: The Voices of Lesbian Women in Yogyakarta

113. Georgia Sedgwick: Mural as Social Phenomenon: A Study of Murals in Yogyakarta

112. Rebecca Burchell: Community Perceptions about Keppres 6/2000 : A Case Study in Yogyakarta

111. David Henton: Tingkat Kesadaran dan Pemahaman Masyarakat Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu tentang Konservasi dan Lingkungan Hidup

110. Johan Weintre: The Social Organisation and Culture of a Minority Group in Indonesia: A Case Study of the Orang Rimba in Sumatra (The Nomadic Kubu Society)

Semester 16 (February 2003)

109. Rebecca Meckleburg: A Portrait of Contemporary Life in a Rural Javanese Farming Community in the Era of Globalisation

108. Thomas Barker: Pink Noise: Indonesia dan Pornografinya

107. Tanya Fisher: Transisi Kesehatan di Indonesia: Jasmani yang tidak Aktif dan Implikasinya bagi Kesehatan Penduduk

Semester 15 (September 2002)

106. Anne Pohlman: Daughters of Srikandi: The Founding, Growth and Destruction of Gerwani (Gerakan Wanita Indonesia)

105. Emma Wilson: Clash of Cultures: Anti-Western Islamic Sentiment in Indonesia

104. Charlotte King: The Impact of the Situbondo Incident – 10 October 1996

103. Inez Mahony: The Role of Dukun in Contemporary East Java: A Case Study of Banyuwangi Dukun

102. Ulla Keech-Marx: Komersialisasi Tenunan Songke: Dampaknya Terhadap Masyarakat Manggarai

101. Lisa Woinarski: Pulau Serangan: Dampak Pembangunan pada Lingkungan dan Masyarakat

100. Karl Brandt: Mengapa Kebudayaan Masyarakat Kampung Komodo Terancam

99. Jacqueline Dobell: Otonomi Daerah: Implementasi di Jawa Timor

98. Mayra Walsh: Pondok Pesantren dan Ajaran Golongan Islam Ekstrim

97. Jennifer Robinson: Kasus Abepura: Sebuah Ujian untuk UU No 26/2000 dan Penegakan HAM di Papua dan Indonesia

96. Sarah Dinsmore: ITF di Indonesia: Analisa Sejarah Aliran Taekwondo International Taekwon-Do Federation di Indonesia, Tahun 1970 Sampai 2003

95. Racheal Kuczma: Gerakan Buruh di Indonesia

Semester 14 (February 2002)

94. Christopher Campbell: “Why go to Temples?” The Role of Ancient Temples in East Java

93. Kipley Nink: South Sulawesi Fishermen who Fish in Australia: Their Technology and Know how

92. John Psilopatis: Aremania: From Hooliganism to Model Soccer Supporters

91. Sean Reardon: The Mass Killing of Members of the Indonesian Communist Party: 1965/66

90. Joanne Sharpe: ‘Indie’ Spirit: The Independent Film Movement in Indonesia

89. Adelaide Worcester: Prostitution in a Cultural Context

88. Penelope Coutas: Language Teaching at SMU Negeri 3, Yogyakarta

Semester 13 (September 2001)

87. Stacey Anderson: Fiat Justitia Ruat: For Justice Even if the Sky Sollapses

86. Jaclin Craig: Experiences of Mystical Ritual: Wealth and Favouritism

85. James Harkness: Internet Use by Students in Malang

84. Diana Hooton: Education for the Disabled in Indonesia: A Case Study of Hifal School for the Disabled in Pekalongan

83. Kirrilee Hughes: The Press in Malang

82. Grant Lay: The Fate of Coral Reefs in Indonesia: Destruction of Coral Reefs in Indonesia: A Case Study in Pasir Putih, Situbondo, East Java

81. Katarzyna Sienko: The Struggle for Truth and Reconciliation: A Victim’s Perspective of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Indonesia

80. Bianca Wolloghan: Women in the Eyes of Women: Women’s Perceptions toward Advertisements in Women’s Magazines

79. Josephine Smyth: Access to Education for the Poor

Semester 12 (February 2001)

78. Rebecca Adams: Wedding Ceremonies in Java (Ceremonies, Symbolism and Regional Variations)

77. Renne Kjar: West Papua Independence Movements

76. Sally Jamieson: Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) in Malaysia: The Experience of Indonesian Workers with Malaysian Government Work Regulations

75. Rebecca Matanle: Reformation – A Utopian Paradise?: Perceptions of Members of the Islamic Student Movement (HMI) of the Wahid Government and the Reform Process

74. Tracy Rowe: Bull Racing in Madura: The Influence of the Motivations of Racing Bull Owners on Social and Cultural Change in Bull Racing

73. Rebekah Starbuck: Press Coverage of Separatists Movements

72. Michael Tardif: Legal Protection and Human Rights Law Reform in the Post-Suharto Era

Semester 11 (September 2000)

71. Jacqueline Baker: The National and Global Importance of the Laskar Jihad

70. Christopher Bandle: Vespa Friends: An Investigation into a Scooter Club

69. Philippa Beale: Program Implementation by an NGO and its Connection with Farming Policies in Indonesia

68. Angie Bexley: History of the Radical Arts Movement in the Transition of Authority in Indonesia (1930 – 2000)

67. Benjamin Blyth: Teaching Styles in Three Indonesian Primary Schools in Malang

66. Margaret Brady: Beliefs and Practices Associated with the Birth of Children in East Java

65. Jennifer Donohoe: The Problem of Abortion in Indonesia

64. Matthew Flint: Political Thought and Practice of the PDI-P in Malang

63. Debbie Hartlett: Child Workers in Indonesia: A Case Study in Malang in East Java

62. Paul Harvey: The Internet Cafe Business in Malang and Blitar

61. Daniel Hoogesteger: The Legality of the Cigarette Industry in Indonesia and its Effects on the Health of a Nation

60. Naomi Kinsella: “Masuk Angin”: Concepts of Health and Healing in Java

59. Emily Low: Inside the People’s Democratic Party: Dictator or Friend?

58. Adelen Matthewman: Why Muslim Women Wear the Jilbab

57. Merryn Rider: Sukarnoists : A Case Study of Sukarno Supporters in East Java

56. Anita Roberts: Asylum Seekers from the Middle East in Indonesia; the perspective of the Republic of Indonesia

55. David Saxby: Informal Indonesia : Colloquial and Youth Language: A Descriptive Linguistic Study of Language Variations

Semester 10 (February 2000)

54. Sally Asbanu: Illegal Drugs or Corruption: The Reality of ‘Narkoba’ in Indonesia

53. Sharon Krause: English Language Teaching in Several Schools in Malang City

52. Joanna Maning: Identity, Marriage, Recognition: Stories of Fear and Hope among the Gay Community in Yogyakarta

51. Joanna Pickles: From Subculture to Counter-Culture: Mission and Vision of Punks (hardcore) and Skinheads in Yogyakarta and Bandung

50. Dylan Walsh: Beliefs about Mountains in Javanese society

49. Johan Weintre: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Lower Socio-Economic Classes in Indonesian Society

48. Rebecca Wells: Traditional Dance in Javanese and Balinese Society

Semester 9 (September 1999)

47. Jason Brown: Killing of Dukun Santet in Banyuwangi, 1998

46. Jenny Cotter: NGO’s and the Problems Faced by Women in the Context of Government, Religion, Culture and Nature

45. Brett Elliot: The Debate about Indonesia’s Future as a United Nation, 1997-1999

44. Michelle Gray: Children of Families in Malang who use Indonesian as their First Language

43. Ben Harkness: Environmental Managament Problems: Three Case Studies in East Java

42. Xylia Ingham: Career Woman

41. Ollie Jones: The Position of Women in Relation to State and Islamic Law when Viewed from the Perspective of International law

40. Sarina Kilham: Street Children and Authority in Yogyakarta

39. Ben Preston: Small Businesses in Three Cities (Malang, Yogyakarta and Medan) and their Social Aspects

38. Meg Skinner: Women and Hducation: Hopes and Reality

37. Peter Swanson: Inequalities in the Ability of People to Protect the Environment

36. Neroli Vivian: The Influence of the Monetary Crisis on Students

Semester 8 (February 1999)

35. Carolyn Wight: Program Pengobatan Jamu Tradisional

34. Olivia Craze: Faktor-faktor yang Menyebabkan Sengketa Pertanahan di Indonesia

33. Katharina Popp: Program Kesenian di Padepokan Seni Mangun Dharma

32. Alexandra Owens: Kondisi Kehidupan Keluarga Yang Tidak Dapat Mempunyai Anak

31. Russell Yule: Pendekatan Komunakatif Dalam Kelas Bahas Inggris Sekolah-Sekolah dan Lembaga Swasta di Jawa Timur dan Bali

Semester 7 (September 1998)

30. Paul Edmiston: From the Ground Up: Developing an Alternative Tourism Network in Indonesia – An East Java Example

29. Emma Hyland: Wanita dan Olahraga di Daerah Sekitar Malang

28. Paul Murray: Hubungan Antara Manusia dan Binatang di Daerah Malang

27. David McRae: Gerakan Mahasiswa 1998 di Indonesia

Semester 6 (February 1998)

26. Ian Briggs: Social Perceptions of People Infected with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia

25. Robert Letchford: Telecommunications, Telemedicine and the Problems of Access to Health Services in Indonesia

24. Kurt Stenross: Perahu Janggolan of Sreseh: A Form of Perahu Threatened in the Modern, Rational World

Semester 5 (September 1997)

23. Mark Avery: Profil Pedagang Kaki Lima dan Pedagang Asongan

22. Frances Barns: TKW : Structural Subordination, Human Rights and the Concept of ‘Social Agent’

21. Nicholas Collier: Sorga Nunut Neraka Katut, Keadaan dan Pengalaman Para Jandi di Indonesia Modern

20. Brett Elliott: Workers NGO in Indonesia: Who Really Helps Indonesian Workers?

19. Merrall Gillam: Aneka Ragam Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia – The Various Uses of the Indonesian Language

Semester 4 (February 1997)

18. Darren Boey: Big Mac, Coca Cola and Arema: An Analysis of the Effects of the Globalization of Information on the Views Youth in Malang have Towards Gender Roles

17. Duncan Faulds: A Study of Factors Affecting Staff in the Hotels and Tourism Industry in Bali and Malang, East Java

16. Karl Fjellstrom: Structural Change and the Relationship between Societal Groups and Policy Formation in Indonesia: An Industrial Pollution Program and the Formation of the 1997 Environment Bill

15. Fiona Lawson: The Violation of the Rights of Women Factory Workers in East Java

14. Kathryn Livingstone: Peran Ganda Wanita: Sebagai Guru dan Ibu Rumah Tangga

13. Natasha Mann: The Law as a Tool for Social Change: Efforts to Transform Women’s Legal Situation in Indonesia

12. Ben Mclean: Microcredit Schemes: IDT, TAKESRA and Koperasi: Three Villages

11. Ann Murray: Translating

10. Heidi Perry: What Light does the Thoughts of Prostitutes and Alternative Lifestyles Shed on the Ideal Image of the Javanese Muslim Woman?

9. Fiona Robinson: Environmental Education: A Case study at the Seloliman Centre for Environmental Eductaion (PPLH) Trawas, Mojokerto East Java

8. Kirsten Stobbe: Bahasa Inggris di SLTP Negeri: Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional dan Pengembangan GBPP Kurikulum 1994, Laporan Studi di 3 SLTP Negeri di Kotamadya Malang, East Java

7. Susan Weymouth: The Production, Handling, Storage and Transport of Agricultural Produce in Batu, Malang, East Java

6. Nami Yokoyama: Batik and the Indonesian Society in East Java

Semester 3 (September 1996)

5. Campbell Watson: Permeable Border: The Community Decision-Making Mechanisms of Indonesia’s Papelan Fishing Community and the Assertion of their Rights and Interests within Australian territory

4. Alexandra Ryan: Pole Kah Sangkima: Report on the Sangkima Community; One of the Oldest Settlements within Kutai National Park, and Efforts to Secure their Historical, Cultural and Existential rights

Semester 2 (February 1996)

3. Tracey Gellard: The Implications of Gender in Human and National Development

2. Ian Wilson: Spirit Dances: A Working Paper on Jaran Kepang in East Java

Semester 1 (September 1995)

1. Tom Plummer: Snapshots of Resistance (1995)