Apply for the Indonesian Language Teacher Immersion Program 2018!

Duration 31 July –  14 December 2018*
Qualification Gain academic credit towards your degree
Applications close   15 April 2018
Fees AUD $3,510 for member university students
Scholarships AUD $5,000 New Colombo grants available to eligible students.  » Are you eligible?

*Final day of exam period

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Program Details

ACICIS’ Indonesian Language Teacher Immersion (ILTI) program is a semester-long program designed to produce high-quality Indonesian language teachers through a tailored ‘in-country’ program, based at the prestigious Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) in Yogyakarta.

USD is well-known for its educational expertise and maintains an extensive network with local feeder schools through which practicum activities are conducted. ILTI accommodates pre-service and in-service teachers, thereby increasing teacher supply and providing attractive and innovative pathways to fast-track advanced linguistic and classroom competence. The program is open to both new incoming candidates or as a second semester option for annual students.