Home Discussion Graphic Designer (AVI Volunteer) – UN Pulse Lab, Jakarta

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  • Megan McPherson
    Post count: 499
    #18049 |

    Dear ACICIS alumni and friends,

    Global Pulse is an innovation initiative of the United Nations on big data and data revolution for sustainable development. Pulse Lab Jakarta was established through a partnership between the United Nations through Global Pulse and the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of National Development and Planning (BAPPENAS) in late 2012, and subsequently launched in 2013.

    Pulse Lab Jakarta’s work is grounded in two main approaches, data science and human-centred design. Good visual design is key to them being able to communicate the results of their research, as both these streams of work need effective visual prompts to convey key messages to the audience they want to reach. Their current Visual Designer has an in-depth understanding not only of visual aesthetics, but also on information architecture. However, Pulse Lab Jakarta’s expanding portfolio means that the volume of work is becoming too much for one person to handle. Pulse Lab have tried sourcing a visual designer locally, but their difficulty is in finding someone that not only has good design nous, but also comprehensive understanding of information architecture and the principles of human centred-design.

    Selection Criteria

    Qualifications, Essential Skills & Experience

    • Relevant qualifications in graphic design, media and communications, fine arts, or other relevant fields
    • Professional knowledge of graphic design software including Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop
    • Good understanding of new and evolving technologies and digital platform
    • Good at storytelling through design, creative flair, originality and a strong visual sense

    Desirable Skills & Experience

    • Existing Indonesian language skills

    For more information about the position and the application process, please click here.

    Applications close on 21 May 2018.

    Kind regards,

    The ACICIS Secretariat

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