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Surely you’ve ever considered leaving school, “this is all very interesting, but how am I going to remember everything I just learned?”


This is a very good question because throughout the classes we acquire knowledge and the most important thing is that they are consolidated so that you can use them in the future when you need them. So, in this article, we’re going to give you some advice on the best ways to memorize and retain important information. Essay Help Online Provider always welcome to all students for any type of help and assistance in essay writing, assignment help, dissertation writing also you can get free samples for your project. Scare No more…


Amount of information and retention


You can learn many things throughout the day. In the information age, just one click is enough to learn something new. The key is that all the information that comes to us, is processed by the brain and the one that considers most important can be retained to be used in the future.


To be able to retain, you have to create a connection


And how to make the brain consider important information? When you have a link with her. You may want to learn English for any reason – but the more interactions you have with the language, the easier it will be. Immerse yourself in the language, listen to music, watch movies and series, read books. All this is a great help and is the gateway to see the patterns of the language and get used to English.


Oh! And another very useful and equally important thing is to review and review what you just saw in the class. With this, we translate English from what we know as short-term learning, which is used to capture information immediately, to the space reserved for long-term memory, which lasts longer in the brain. This is applicable to everything you learn. It could almost be considered as “hacking” the brain. πŸ˜‰




of short-term memory, which is used to capture information immediately, and English happens to occupy your long-term memory. This is applicable to everything you learn. It’s almost like “hacking” the brain.πŸ˜‰


The connection is created with patterns and stories


Science gives us a hand in this. It is proven that we learn better by information groups, that is, (groups of topics or ideas). More important than knowing the antonym of all the words you know (such as hello and goodbye , hot and cold ) is learning to use them in a logical context, such as a story or phrase. A good suggestion is to study by topics instead of focusing on one or a few single words a day.


(A secretillo … That’s one of the reasons why we work with thematic classes in our course πŸ˜‰)


After learning, dismount!


The truth is that English is a language with many rules and regulations. Remembering them all can be a challenge, and that’s where our last suggestion comes in: assembling and dismantling expressions. It is simpler than it seems. What do we call a sunny day, for example? Sunny , that is, ” sun ” (Sun) + ” ny day “. A rainy day? A ” rain (rain) + and day “.


Knowing how to identify the core of words, you can understand how and at the same time, how sentences are constructed. So it’s important to look for the expressions that are “hidden” within the words and phrases.


To internalize the information, you have to work


There will come a day when English will come naturally to you. More than memorize rules, you will come to think of the language. But that is something that is achieved with time, dedication and a lot of contact with the language. Listen, speak, use English in your day to day. Make this practice a habit, and practice will cease to be a habit. This way you will get English to become part of who you are, of your life and you can open a whole world of opportunities.πŸ™‚